The Cardiorespiratory system is responsible for the following functions within the human body:
Cardiorespiratory Change from Exercise
Regularly performing cardiorespiratory exercise will increase overall exercise capacity and contribute towards preventing cardiovascular disease. There area many short and long term benefits that come from regular cardiorespiratory exercise, these include :
Regular exercise will also help with a number of psychological improvements. People who are more physically active are likely to have better cognitive functionality, reduced cardiovascular response to stress, improved self-image, feeling of well-being, better personal relationship and lower rates of depression. Self confidence and self esteem will also improve.
Cardiorespiratory System and Exercise
The cardiorespiratory system is responsible for maintaining homeostatis in the body. One of the biggest challenges to homeostatsis is exercise through an increase in the demand for oxygen. A heavy exercise session can increase demand for oxygen by up to 15 to 25 times above the resting level.
The primary function of the cardiorespiratory system us to deliver oxygen and remove metabolic waste products. The body adapts to meet these increased demands by :
Increasing blood flow by increasing cardiac output.
The main function of the cardiorespiratory system is to deliver Oxygen from the heart and lungs to our working muscles while removing Carbon Dioxide .